Untitled (Touch), 2016
From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt brass, fur

Blue Sky Like an Inkwell, filled half with Ink, half with milk, 2016
brass, glass

Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Catching Flying Birds, with my tomgue, 2016,
glass, plexiglass, stone
Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Untitled (Touch), 2016
From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt brass, fur

Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
The Doubt Cap, 2016 From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt, cotton, glass

The Doubt Bag, 2016
From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt stone, brass

Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger

deirdre o’leary

Born in Fribourg Switzerland, living and working in Basel Switzerland.


Deirdre O’Leary, Studio
Klybeckstrasse 141
, 4057 Basel



more about me:

Instagram Next Exhibiton


for further information find my dossier and CV here:
