Untitled (Touch), 2016
From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt brass, fur

Blue Sky Like an Inkwell, filled half with Ink, half with milk, 2016
brass, glass

Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Catching Flying Birds, with my tomgue, 2016,
glass, plexiglass, stone
Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
Untitled (Touch), 2016
From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt brass, fur

Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger
The Doubt Cap, 2016 From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt, cotton, glass

The Doubt Bag, 2016
From the Collection: Accesoires of Doubt stone, brass

Installation view of beyond the real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2017
Photo: Philipp Hänger

From Topography to Play

Installation View of beyond the Real, Kunsthalle Basel, 2016
Photo: Philipp Hänger
A group of five glass-sculptures is assembled in the exhibition space of the Kunsthalle Basel. The hand-blown glass sculptures indicate a composed field, in which the interaction of the figures is imagined. The figures embody their titles. The titles are: I used to walk across the grass green plain of my bed, Catching flying birds with my tongue, Stolen Light, The loss of Mentos and Blue sky like an inkwell, filled half with
ink, half with milk.

deirdre o’leary

Born in Fribourg Switzerland, living and working in Basel Switzerland.


Deirdre O’Leary, Studio
Klybeckstrasse 141
, 4057 Basel



more about me:

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for further information find my dossier and CV here:
